Terms and Conditions for the use of the Website

Terms of use

The user of the website (www.aap.com.pe) undertakes to carefully read the general terms and conditions, before using the portals and Web services offered by Aeropuertos Andinos del Perú S.A. (hereinafter AAP). This implies that you expressly accept the general terms and conditions. If you do not accept them, you are requested not to use, access or manipulate the information of the services offered by the website, since you (the user) are making improper use of it.

The purpose of the website is the promotion and dissemination of the company's activities and services. It is aimed at prospects of customers, clients, visitors, suppliers and collaborators, web users and the general public.

For suggestions and/or comments on the terms and conditions of use of our website, you can notify us at Av. Mariscal José de la Mar No. 1263 Int. 305, Urb. Santa Cruz, Miraflores – Lima or through our email address aap.lpdp@aap.com.pe 


Privacy Policy

AAP respects the privacy of its online visitors. Information that can identify a visitor online is received at www.aap.com.pe only when it is voluntarily submitted by the visitor. Our website collects non-personal information from online visitors to track the number of visitors to the site and identify the type of Internet browser and operating system. This information allows us to continually improve our site. Information that can identify a visitor, such as name or address, is not collected in the process, nor does AAP require access to such information before allowing a user access to any page of the site.

Read our AAP Privacy Policy.


Intellectual Property Rights

All intellectual property rights of the Website are owned by AAP. The use of any intellectual property right is prohibited without its prior, express and written consent.



This site is protected by current copyright regulations. All the rights involved, such as their content and visual design, are owned by AAP, so their use, modification, reproduction, distribution, transmission or commercialization of the rights involved is strictly prohibited without the prior, express and written permission of AAP.


Distinctive signs and patents

All distinctive signs (product and service marks, trade slogans and trade names) and patents registered in accordance with national and supranational legislation, are the property of AAP, unless otherwise indicated.

The use of any item of intellectual property of AAP without the relevant prior written consent is prohibited.


Acceptance of terms

The Websites and references are available for the user under their responsibility to use them properly without taking advantage of any failure that occurs and take advantage of it. If you find any faults on our website, please report them at atencionalusuario@aap.com.pe 

Changes and updates to the terms and conditions of use will be communicated on our website in a timely manner so that all users are informed of the current terms and conditions of use. It is the responsibility of the user to learn about the new changes and restrict themselves to complying with the regulations of the website.

The information of the business events will be public for all users on the website, while the links that request the registration of the user will be restricted for any user who is not authenticated, the latter will be responsible for the proper use or not of the handling of the information. In case of non-compliance, the webmaster will deactivate his user account and receive a warning.

The use of AAP's name, logos, trademarks, designs or any distinctive sign of authorship as hypertext links or hyperlinks to pages not controlled by the company, without prior and express authorization from AAP, is prohibited.

It is also forbidden to include links or internal pages on sites and portals not controlled by AAP, thus avoiding not visiting the main page. It is also prohibited to display, display or reproduce the Site or any of its subdirectories or subpages, on sites or portals not controlled by AAP, only if the Web Development area is relevant to promote the company on social networks and other technologies, while it is prohibited for outsiders to use the company name to register for any technology.

User agrees to diligently and lawfully use AAP informational content, releases, and newsletters for informational purposes only and without reproducing, copying, or distributing non-public information from other links that do not include references to the AAP portal.


Obligations of registered users

  • Access to the services through the User Code and Password delivered is your full and exclusive responsibility, as well as for the use thereof.
  • The diligent use of the User Code and Password delivered, maintain and preserve the confidentiality thereof.
  • Immediately notify the IT Support area of any unauthorized use of the User Code and Password or any other breach of its security, the systems area not being in any case responsible for the actions carried out by the user's account.
  • All transactions made with your User code and password will be monitored so that you do not try to misuse the services provided to you. Failure to comply will result in a penalty.
  • Not to use the User Code and Password for any illegal purpose.


Obligations of users in general

  • Access to Web services is public in public areas of the Web where the information provided is of the aforementioned company. The user undertakes to use the services and content provided by the portal in accordance with current legislation and the principles of good faith and generally accepted uses and not to contravene their actions through the Website.
  • The user undertakes to provide true and accurate information about himself in the registration forms of the portal of the aforementioned company.


Modifications to the Terms and Conditions

AAP reserves the right to modify the content and scope of these Terms and Conditions at any time and as it deems necessary. The User will be obliged to submit to said modifications, once they enter into force.


Limitation of Responsibility

AAP makes every effort to provide the most up-to-date and accurate information on this site. Notwithstanding the foregoing, on some occasions you may incur errors or omissions. In such cases, AAP shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or special damage arising from the use of the information contained in this site or the Web pages recommended herein.

All information that is published on this website, including, but not limited to, graphics, text and references to other pages, is provided "as is" and is subject to possible modification without notice. The information referred to is provided without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to a business and similar warranty or to be free of any computer virus.

AAP does not guarantee, in any case, the sufficiency, accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this site or in the recommended Web pages, so it will not assume any kind of responsibility for the errors or omissions that it may incur. Visitors are entirely responsible for verifying and evaluating the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of any information available from this website.


Links to Third Party Websites

The Website may have links, such as hyperlinks or links, that indicate access to third-party websites (the “Related Sites”). Although AAP reviews third-party material and only permits the inclusion of Related Sites that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, do not violate applicable law, AAP cannot control or track the Related Sites and, accordingly, will not assume any responsibility for the accuracy, safety, or reliability of the material, information, or content included on such Related Sites. 

The inclusion of the Related Sites on the Website does not imply that there is any relationship or association between AAP and the owner of the Related Sites, nor does it imply the approval or promotion by AAP of such Related Sites. AAP includes the Related Sites for the User's convenience only. They are solely responsible for their access to the Related Sites. 

The User must use their own good judgment, caution and common sense when using the Related Sites and, to do so, we recommend reviewing the conditions of use and the terms governing privacy on said Related Sites. AAP reserves the right to remove from its Website all Related Sites of which it has actual knowledge that they are infringing third party rights and/or whose content violates applicable law, or if required to do so by a court order or administrative ordinance.

Links to our website are not permitted without the express prior written permission of AAP. The User may not, alone or in collaboration with others, expand, modify, replace, amend or limit, in whole or in part, the information offered on our website or its functional applications. In addition, the User may not, alone or in collaboration with others, create or install links from its own website or from third-party websites, to this website (whether through hypertext links, deep-linking, framing, through codes or otherwise), in whole or in part, without the prior written consent in this regard from AAP.

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