
Procedure for filing complaints:

If you need to file a complaint, you can do so in the AAP Complaints Book.

Find it in the Main Hall of the airports or ask for it from our team in the terminal.

You can also submit your complaint or appeal through these available channels:

  • Step 1

    Visit Complaints book through an electronic device or through the QR code you will find at our airports.

  • Step 2

    Fill in the information in all fields of the page, provide a valid email and enable the automatic reply option to receive future notifications.

  • Step 3

    Remember, to confirm that your complaint has been properly registered, you must receive an AAP confirmation email with your case number at the email address you have authorized.

  • Step 1

    Please call 942 183 619 or 947 224 990, business hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

  • Step 2

    Explain the reason for your case to our operator, who will provide you with a follow-up number for your complaint or appeal.

  • Step 3

    It is necessary to indicate a valid email address to receive notifications and enable the option of automatic confirmation of receipt to ensure future communications.

The email and telephone service channels also handle the presentation of appeals.

Business hours:

Monday through Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Submission Requirements


Claimant ID: a.Full Name and Surnames - b.National Identity Document Number, Foreigner's Card or Passport (only for foreign citizens), - c.Address and email address of the claimant to whom the notifications will be sent.


If applicable, data and documents proving the powers of the Attorney-in-fact.


Identification, details of the complaint and the arguments that support it (factual and legal arguments).


If deemed appropriate, the Claimant may accompany evidence such as video, photos and/or audios that prove what is indicated in the complaint, which is suitable to prove the complaint. Failure to comply with this requirement will not result in the inadmissibility or inadmissibility of the claim, unless the evidence is substantial to evaluate the complaint presented.


Signature or fingerprint of the complaining User or their representative, in case of not knowing how to sign or being prevented from doing so. This requirement does not apply if the claim is filed by telephone.

In case of omission of any requirement, the observation will be recorded in the Parts Table of the Airport and the complaint will be returned until the claimant proceeds to rectify the omission, for which they have two (02) business days. If the claimant fails to comply with the correction within the aforementioned period, the complaint shall be deemed not to have been filed.

When the complaints comply with the Filing Requirements, AAP will proceed to follow the corresponding procedure, having for this purpose with fifteen (15) business days counted from the Filing of the complaint for the issuance of the corresponding Resolution. In case of complex complaints, the term may be extended up to thirty (30) business days.

Within the aforementioned period, AAP will notify the claimant of the Resolution issued as a first instance, duly signed by the Airport Administrator in which the events subject to the complaint occurred.

If the Claimant does not agree with the Resolution issued, they may file an Appeal or Reconsideration Request (as they deem fit) with the AAP within fifteen (15) business days of being notified.

In the event of a Reconsideration Request, it will be resolved by AAP within twenty (20) business days of being filed.

In the event of an Appeal, AAP will submit the file to the OSITRAN Dispute Resolution Tribunal within a period of no more than fifteen (15) business days from its filing. The Appeal will be resolved by the Dispute Resolution Tribunal of OSITRAN, and the Resolution that it issues will put an end to the administrative instance.


Complaints will be resolved by the Administrator of each airport.

Subject of complaints

Complaints must be related to the provision of services by Aeropuertos Andinos del Perú (AAP) such as the collection of the Airport Use Single Fee – TUUA, AVSEC control, among others.

Complaints arising from services provided by airlines, such as cancellation or rescheduling of flights, service at their counters, check-in problems, among others, are not the responsibility of AAP. 

In this sense, the subjects of the complaints may be:

  • Billing and collection of services for the use of airport infrastructure (e.g. TUUA or parking fee).
  • Quality and timely provision of services by AAP.
  • Damages or losses caused by negligence, incompetence or willful misconduct of AAP or its workers and dependents.
  • Limitations on access to services provided by AAP (e.g. parking beaches or toilets).
  • Defects in the information provided to users regarding the rates or conditions of the services provided by AAP.
  • Application of the provisions of the Framework Regulation on Public Use Transport Infrastructure – REMA.

Users are obliged to make the payment of the amounts that are not the subject of the claim at the time of filing it.


Aereopuertos andinos del Peru

Administrative Unit

The administrative unit in charge of resolving claims in AAP is the Administration of each Airport.