Arco Rights

Know your Arco Rights

For AAP, your privacy is the most important thing. Therefore, you should know how to protect your personal data.

What are ARCO Rights?

ARCO (Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition) Rights are a set of rights that ensure the protection of personal data, allowing you to control your personal information. To this end, Law No. 29733, Law on the Protection of Personal Data (LPPD) provides rights that allow you to demand that your personal data be processed appropriately.

With ARCO rights you can generate requests regarding your following rights:

1.Right of access: Everyone has the right to obtain the information about themselves that is being processed in any database, the way in which their data was collected, the reasons for its collection and at the request of whom the collection was made, as well as the transfers made or what is planned to be made of them.

2.Right of rectification: It is the right that every holder of personal data has, which allows him to modify the data that turns out to be partially or totally inaccurate, incomplete, erroneous or false. Also known as the right of update and inclusion.

3. Right of cancellation: The owner of the personal data may request the deletion or cancellation of their personal data when:

  • It is no longer necessary or relevant for the purpose for which it was collected.
  • The period established for its treatment has expired.
  • Keep in mind that deletion will not proceed when personal data must be kept for strict reasons under applicable laws or relationship between controller and holder.

4. Right of opposition: Any person has the possibility, in case their personal data is being used for other unallowed reasons, to generate a request to restrict its use, provided that a law does not provide otherwise.

Please note that a legitimate and well-founded reason must be indicated on the personal data which use you wish to restrict.

Download the ARCO Rights Request for Attention here.

Download the Manual – Procedure for Replying to Requests for the Exercise of ARCO Rights here.