
Airport entry facilities procedure

Airport entry facilities

Airports are restricted security zones so strict security protocols must be complied with to enter the facilities.

In the Airport Entry Facilities Procedure document you will find all the information necessary to meet the airport entry requirements.


This procedure must be carried out by companies or persons who are going to carry out operational activities, administrative activities and visits. Passengers are not required to perform this procedure.
Aereopuertos andinos del Peru
Aereopuertos andinos del Peru

To enter the airport, the approval of access facilities must be requested.

These must be approved by the area of Occupational Health, Safety and Environment (OHSE), Civil Aviation Safety (AVSEC) and Safety Management System (SMS).


Review of the supplier's Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Management System in order to verify compliance with current regulations.


Manage safety through the identification of people in order to prevent illegal acts that threaten the safety of air operations.


Ensuring compliance with the requirements according to the magnitude of the work for the safe and efficient conduct of ground operations throughout the restricted area (airside) of the airport grounds of all airports concessioned by AAP.

Types of facilities

Keep in mind that the letters of facilities from AAP suppliers must be signed by the legal representative of the company requesting the facilities and have the approval of the authorized personnel.
Type A:

Operational Activities

Major and minor civil works, maintenance of machinery and equipment, general services and sanitation, surveying, sampling and monitoring, waste management and other high-risk activities

Type B:

Minor Operating Activities

Service where no use is made of electrical, mechanical and hazardous chemical hand tools such as; removal of furniture and equipment, manual cleaning of environments, maintenance of ATMs and dispensing machines, placement of signage, maintenance of computers, valuables and other similar that are low-risk.

Type C:

Administrative Activities

Office work, customer service work or other work that does not involve the use of equipment or tools, such as training, consultancies, attention to commercial premises, tastings, etc.

Type D:


People who request entry to AAP facilities for work reasons that do not correspond to the provision of a service and/or execution of operational activities, whose duration is less than one day.

Type E:

Emergency Facilities

Solely and exclusively to address situations that compromise safety, civil aviation and the continuity of operations and that need to be solved immediately.