Public and regulatory entities

Aereopuertos andinos del Peru


The state entity designated in the Concession Contract to supervise compliance with the AAP obligations established in the Contract itself and also fulfills the functions established in Law No. 26917 and its regulatory, complementary, amending and extending rules.

Aereopuertos andinos del Peru

Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC)

The governmental entity that acts representing the State of the Republic of Peru, within the framework of the Concession Contract of the Second Group of Provincial Airports of the Republic of Peru, as Grantor and counterparty in the aforementioned Concession Contract.

Aereopuertos andinos del Peru

General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC)

The entity of the Transport Sub-sector of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, which represents the Civil Aeronautical Authority of Peru. Its powers include: promoting, planning and ensuring an efficient and safe service of transport and civil air navigation within the territory of the Republic of Peru. For the purposes of the Concession Contract, it represents the Grantor in the approval and authorization, among others, of the Master Plans, Final Engineering Studies, Equipment Investment Plan, Structural and Functional Evaluations of Movement Area Pavements and Periodic Maintenance Program.

Aereopuertos andinos del Peru

General Directorate of Environmental Affairs (DGAAM)

The entity of the Transport Sub-sector of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, exercised by the Environmental Authority in the transport sector and the competent Environmental Authority designated in the Concession Contract.

Aereopuertos andinos del Peru

General Directorate of Transport Programs and Projects (DGPPT)

The entity of the Transport Sub-sector of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, which is responsible for the administration of public-private partnership contracts, investment agreements and others of a similar nature signed by the Ministry of Transport and Communications within the framework of the regulations on the promotion of private investment in force.

Aereopuertos andinos del Peru

Corporación Peruana de Aeropuertos y Aviación Civil S.A. (CORPAC)

The state entity in charge of providing aeronautical services in Peru.